Корзина пуста
Paperboard cm 70x100 - 220 gr/sq m - 0,2mm thick - Light Green

Оптовые скидки Qty
Q.ty % Q.ty % Q.ty % Q.ty %
piece 1,30 5 20% 25 25% 100 30% 1
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  • Paperboard cm 70x100 - 220 gr/sq m - 0,2mm thick - Light Green

  • вес нетто: граммов 154 -  вес брутто: граммов 185

Can be used for:
• as doublemat
• internal fillet
• as backboard

In Europe and America framers often use two mounboards cut at 45° to make a doublemat. In Italy we prefer to use a these thin paperboards to create the internal fillet, as the advantages are:
• Less thickness and and therefore less fluctuation of the picture inside the frame.
• A better separation of colour between the picture and the passepartout for between the picture and the thread you cannot see the inside of the carton (which insead would be seen if the thread would be made with a rounded carton)
• Cheaper

Size: 70x100 cm
220 grams per square meter
Thickness: 0,3 mm
PH neutral

Produced by the group Federigoni-Fabriano.
The cards can be used for:
Making passepartout (not rounded passepartout)
Making the bottom
Making the thread around the hole.

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