Tarlatana gr.120/sqm - mtrs 5x210 cm (price per linear/meter)
  • код:


  • Tarlatana gr.120/sqm - mtrs 5x210 cm (price per linear/meter)

  • вес нетто: граммов 360 -  вес брутто: граммов 389

Tarlatana gr.120/sqm - mtrs 5x210 cm (price per linear/meter)
The Tarlatana is a fabric with a large plot that serves to remove the excess ink placed on the matrix, or to ink parts of it.

Weight: 120 grams per square meter
Height of the roll: 210 cm
It comes in a length of 10 or 5 metres.

Tarlatana gr.120/sqm - mtrs 5x210 cm (price per linear/meter)