Valiani Mat-Pro 120 Mountcutter - Cut lenght cm 120x80
  • код:


  • Valiani Mat-Pro 120 Mountcutter - Cut lenght cm 120x80

  • вес нетто: kg 80,00 -  вес брутто: kg 80,00

Valiani Mat-Pro 120 Mountcutter - Cut lenght cm 120x80
The Valiani Mat-Pro machine allows for a variety of different types of cuts from single to multiple openings as well pre assembled double and triple mats and v-grooves.
Do all this without ever having to remove the mat from the machine.
The pneumatic clamp blocks the matboard in place. You no longer have to rotate your mat in order to complete your openings. You will drastically reduce production costs and improve your mat quality.
You will always achieve maximum precision thanks to the pneumatic blade insertion.
Mat-Pro is supplied with a rotating measuring stop which allows for 4 different stops of 5 mm each. This allows you to cut double and triple mats and v-groves without having to reset the stop. Sturdy and stable base.

The Mat-Pro comes in 2 versions:
- Mat-Pro 120 Maximum length of mountboard 1200x 800 mm
- Mat-Pro 150 Maximum length of mountboard 1500x1000 mm

Work with blades Valiani code BV (for regular matboards) or code L100B (for thick matboards).

Valiani Mat-Pro 120 Mountcutter - Cut lenght cm 120x80