  • код:


  • System "Picture Mouse" - Steel wire - cm 150

  • вес нетто: граммов 55 -  вес брутто: граммов 61

System "Picture Mouse" - Steel wire - cm 150
The "Picture Mouse" display system consists of a 150 cm steel wire with a white coating.
The wire can be hung on a special metal block or it could be hung directly on a track (for example on the JS1A track)
In the latter case, instead of buying the complete system (code 7840), just buy the wire without the block that is used to hang it on the wall. The wire without the block is available in two versions:
• 150 cm steel wire - code 5016
• 150 cm steel wire coated in white - code 5014

As an option, it is also possible to purchase transparent (code 30010) or colored (code 30020) plastic magnets instead of clothespins.

System "Picture Mouse" - Steel wire - cm 150